Thank you for hard stuff this year, God.
It has certainly helped shift my paradigm and look at life differently.
Thank you for staying so close to my side
as I have walked through some of my darkest days.

and giving me the presence of mind to experience them,
as my nature is to run.
Thank you for giving my oldest son such broad shoulders
and compassion for his mother. I've cherished every moment we
have shared over the past four months.
Thank you for all of the special treasures Josh has left behind
for me to find. It has been so sweet and unexpected.
Thank you for shining your light of truth on this horrible accident
so that Josh's death couldn't be ignored or passed over as simply unfortunate.
Thank you for the fall leaves and the eyes you've given me to see them
and acknowledge you as Creator.
Thank you for courage and strength.
Thank you for unexpected new friendships born out of tragedy.
Thank you that while Josh was on earth he was a light bearer that even death
couldn't snuff out.
Thank you that Josh left his finger prints on everyone he touched and left us all
wanting to be better people.
Thank you God for reasons to give thanks.
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