But Wait-It is that Complicated!

So November 2, 2018 and still I find that if I get something else in the mail regarding your case or your estate or anything it sets me back almost all the way back to July 23, 2017. You would think that of all the tasks that have challenged me since your death, the least of these would be dealing with Apple over your IPAD. I'm glad they are respecting your privacy, but I'd just like them to do a factory reset on it so that someone else could enjoy it. I appreciate that the matter has to be carefully reviewed by the legal-begal's at the home office. After being told that seal could not be seen on the Probate letter appointing me as your representative, I just lost it son. I think that even you would be to the point that you'd be screaming, "JUST UNLOCK THE FREAKIN IPAD" Josh pleading his case I had to do it, Josh. I had to pull the cancer card, along with spontaneous outburst of sarcasm and a dash of motherly guilt. You would be proud th...