More than a wreck
Has it really only been 11 months since you moved on to higher ground? There are days it feels like it was forever ago. While you have moved into eternity, life here has managed to keep moving forward. If you had asked me even just a few months ago if things were moving forward, I would have denied it. Most days I have felt stagnant. I keep getting up each day and going to work. Watching Nate get bigger and bigger helps to mark the time,. The seasons keep changing. The cares and worries of life keep cropping up to push grieving to the back burner. Initially I would feel almost guilty if I hadn't cried in a few days or had neglected to obsess over your passing. Dealing with all the legal aspects kept me stirred up for the first 8 months, but by March, all of that was over. Between that and some medication changes, I haven't felt as crazy and out of control with all of my emotions. A few weeks ago, I was finally called...