Three Years Later

Three years ago I managed to keep putting bits of mail, papers, forms, information and other effects into a large laundry basket. It was bits and pieces of your life. Before I knew it, the basket had become almost over flowing with stuff I just wasn't ready to get rid of or even revisit, for that matter. You know I've always been a master at avoidance, even if it wasn't really benefiting me. So when I moved to a new place, the basket moved too, just taking a spot at the end of the bed. It wasn't long before an old blanket was folded and put on top of it, and then a coat, and a towel, and yes, you guessed it, the basket was soon out of sight. Unless some "do-gooder" would come along and try to help me get organized. More than once over the past three years I've said, "those are just important papers, don't mess with them!" After a week in the mountains, enjoying the views and remembering how much you enjoyed living, I decided it was ti...